13 March 2009


By next Friday I will have written 35 pages (3 different papers, but still) and will be on an airplane headed to the City of Brotherly Love, followed by the City So Nice They Named it Twice!

All I hope is that I still have movement in my fingers by the time I make it to my destinations.

11 March 2009

kwit txtn 4 lnt

I just read that Bishops in Italy asked young people to give up texting for Lent. They want i giovani to "return to communicating, not kommunikating" (young Italians like to use "K" to replace "C"; "C" is so last season). Breaking away from technology is something I want to do, but in practicality, how would you go about this sudden break? Would you accept texts from people and just not send them? Would you neither accept nor send? So much of my planning is done through texts that I don't know if I could stop texting. It would be a pretty big hinderance on my hot Friday night plans for ice cream and movie night--uh, I mean crazy Cap Hill dance party with six DJs and an open bar...Anway, it's not like I'm one of those addicted-to-texts young'uns who click-clacks on her blackberry during lectures because she can't stay out of touch with that special someone for more than 30 minutes, but still, I can't imagine not texting for 40 days. Good Lord (literally)! Shockingly, I am in agreement with the Vatican: "[text messages] by their nature a neutral tool, neither good nor bad in themselves. It depends how they are used. If text messages are a proper way of communicating I don't see why we should deprive ourselves of them on Good Friday or any other day". Maybe the Vatican is hipper than I thought. Maybe.