26 August 2010

"Mickey Lies. Dreams Don't Come True"

Thus sayeth "Kiran" a four-year-old boy from St. Louis who is the subject of the NYT's article "Can Preschoolers Be Drepressed?" . I'm sure I should be concerned for the future of this child, but really, I'm just entertained by his one-liners. BFF Liz google chatted me some of his gems this morning, and I've been re-reading them ever since.

When Raghu and Elizabeth reminded a downbeat Kiran of their coming trip to Disney World, Kiran responded: “Mickey lies. Dreams don’t come true.”

After toying with a new set of Legos, he told his father, “I can’t do Legos.” He then roundly declared: “I will never do them. I am not a Legos person. You should take them away.”

“My parents care a lot about me,” the first puppet said in an upbeat tone.
“My parents don’t care a lot about me,” the second said in an equally cheerful voice. “How about you?”

Sometimes they care about me,” the boy replied, and then paused. “They don’t care a lot about me,” he added with emphasis.

Actually, the whole article is rather, er, depressing and fascinating, but if you just look for Kiran's quotes, you'll probably be super entertained...And now I'm going to hell.

10 August 2010

Night Drives

In case you were wondering, driving down a street parallel with your cousin, both of you going 30mph with the windows down and blasting the same radio station, is the perfect summer night.

08 August 2010

The Best of Friends

I spent 4 hours watching "Friends" on a laptop in Kelsey's new apartment today with Kelsey (duh), her roommate Becca, one of Becca's friends, and Emily. I had forgotten how primo season 2 is. The lobster/Prom video episode, Rachel and Ross bone in the museum, Chandler's new roommate Eddie, TOM SELLECK!, Dr. Drake Ramoray...Jeez. Anyway, it was a lovely morning/afternoon with friends watching "Friends". Here's the season 2 blooper reel to tide me over until I decide if I will be purchasing "The Best of 'Friends'" DVD.

Watching these, who ever thought Jennifer Aniston would become like, the sad-sack of all media? She's adorable!

Here's season 3's bloopers just for giggles:

I like the last part where Ross gets cereal dumped all over his junk.

01 August 2010


I went to the beach house this week and played with my Hipstamatic app a lot. It was so gray and rainy all weekend that the manipulations the app makes aren't that exaggerated.

Crossing the Astoria Bridge

Beard's Hollow

View from friend's deck