Saw The Lion King with dad's side of the family. It was AMAZING! Mind was blown. Puppets!
Meow meow meow!
My cousins moved home from Brooklyn and Corvallis, and we've been cavorting around town together. We took my single aunts to dinner at Montage the other night and were rewarded with scandalous stories about our mothers' youths. And by scandalous, I mean pretty tame. But funny.
Dessert night with Em and Kels! Two words: brownie boat. Ok, three: yum.
Toy Story 3 with K, who brought along a bunch of girls from our high school class who she re-met at Yoga. It was weird, but fun. New old friends! I heard lots of gossip. We're doing happy hour next week. Ps. the movie is awesome. Maybe I cried a little.
WORLD CUP! My boss is foreign-born, and therefore legit knowledgeable of and way into soccer, so I get to watch early morning games with him in his back office. He tells me little stories about all the players and doesn't make fun of my interest in teams based upon their uniform colors. Win-win!
Picnic in Laurelhurst park with Kels and Em! There was LARP-ing. What is LARP-ing, you ask? Live-Action Role Playing. Except it wasn't medieval knights; it was a Jane Austen society. We quietly mocked them while secretly feeling jealous of their feathered hats. We also got to work on our tans; and by tans, I mean burns that will fade into some mildly golden, mostly freckled skin.
In the midst of all this fun stuff, there's also been work and internship, both of which are fun, but I won't bore you with deets.
I'm heading to the beach for 4th of July with my extended family, so I'm detoxing this week to prepare for the amazingness of a beach holiday with relatives. Drinks galore!