11 September 2009


Yes, even when you're unemployed you Thank God It's Friday. On Fridays I feel less guilty about taking a two hour nap, reading a good book in bed, browsing Perez, eating Taquitos, watching Ellen, etc. Not that the above isn't my daily routine, but I just feel less Catholic guilt when I indulge on a Friday than on, say, a Tuesday. Today I can excuse my laziness in the afternoon (see entire contents of list above) with the accomplishment of waking up at 8am and going to the gym by 9:30. However, gym-going, despite its good intentions, backfired. I was waylayed by a group of hideous Seattle Academy middle schoolers while I waited to cross Madison. While wearing ballet flats, skinny jeans, Urban tee shirts, and raybans, these twelve year olds stared me down as I sweated in my ratty gym clothes. I was seriously getting the Evil Eye from these kiddies. I'm pretty sure they were thinking "Why is this old woman standing near us? I hope her bad clothes won't rub off on us". It's a little intimidating to be hardcore judged by half a dozen sixth grade girls, let me tell you. As nostalgic as I am about September and the start of school, I am mighty glad to not be starting my sixth grade year. Shit. Them beezies are scary.

To summarize: it was no way to start my precious Friday. I'm gonna need a drank tonight. Then maybe I'll be able to shake off their stares. Maybe.

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