24 March 2010

Way Cuter than that Cupcake Song Kid


Commence with the "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" in 3...2...1...

Did you know that Otters are my favorite non-domesticated animal? In 3rd grade we were assigned to write our very first reports on endangered animals, and I got Sea Otters. After extensive academic research in the St. Clare Elementary School library, I decided I would love them forever. And I have.

Here are some more Otter pics, just in case you're having a bad day and need a pick-me-up in the form of a cuddle monster who smells like abalone

22 March 2010

What a Gleeful Weekend

Well friends, this weekend was full of glee--in the sense of happiness and the seminal musical-television dramedy, Glee.

Breakfast and hanging out with my cousin, home for spring break
Spring cleaning
Chillin in the sunshine

Dog walking in the sunshine
11 year old cousin's birthday dinner BBQ with extended family
Reunion with Roommate and Roommate's Sister
Portland bar
Glee soundtrack sing-a-long in the LaraMobile

Run in the sunshine
Family brunch
Bartini happy hour with all the Portland girls
Milling around NW 23rd and trying on kinda skanky dresses at 3Monkeys
Looking at all the cute houses that we want to live in
Singing to Glee soundtrack with said Portland girls in the LaraMobile on a drive around NW

So, in keeping with the theme of this weekend, here is one of the best songs from our beloved Glee:

18 March 2010

I've Made a Huge, Tiny Mistake...

In not attending this event

Apparently in 2008 there was a concert by the musical director of Arrested Development. He sang all the show's finest gems live. Here are the ones I've found on the 'tube

Theme song

Big Yellow Joint

The Franklin Song

Mr. F

Here's a bonus, just for giggles:

Sadly, no performances of "Motherboy" were uploaded.

12 March 2010

"Gimme Your Best Gnome Face"

...And with those words a beautiful photo was taken. It took me months to get my hands on this pic, but now it is finally mine!

We're the cutest woodland gnomes in the world

05 March 2010

This Time Last Week...

I was consuming a Red Mill double bacon burger with Roommate and several awesome pals. If time travel becomes possible, I'd like to return to that lovely Sunday and re-experience the miracle that occurred: no hang-over despite drinking a jug of Carlo Rossi sangria. Call the Vatican!

Seattle Weekend events

Get into town, Roommate is working, go to birthday dinner for study abroad friend
Have my biannual drink and dance in Belltown with study abroad friends event
Meet up with Roommate at home, and instead of saying hi, tell her, "I'm so drunk" as a greeting

Roommate works
Brunch with Neighbs
Watch "Hairspray" with Roommate
Make dinner with some friends
We suddenly get popular and the apt. is filled with about 15 people
I proceed to get real intoxicated on Carlo Rossi Sangria
Everyone follows my lead
Go to a party at friend's house, and it's actually quite the see-and-be-seen event
Randoms attend party, try to start a dance-a-thon, and I awkwardly decline by telling them I have to get back to the wine

We are surprisingly WIDE AWAKE & LOVING LIFE, despite going to be at 3:30am
Roommate and I discuss the epic events of the night before
Trek to Red Mill Burgers with Roommate and friends K, E, and E
Force friends to bear with Roommate and I singing along to the Glee Soundtrack
We realize that everyone born in '86-'88 knows all the words to Paul Simon's "Graceland" album as it was a favorite of every single parent to play on car rides
Everyone waves me goodbye as I drive off into the sunset

Thanks for a wonderful weekend, I miss you already, Capitol Hill friends! And see you soon if I figure out that whole time-travel thing.