Okay, here is a confession:
One of my life-long desires is to have someone interview me. I don't just mean like, a two-liner interview in the The Spectator, but like, a 6 page Vanity Fair-style interview spread with long descriptive paragraphs about my facial expressions and recent real estate purchases. Whenever I read interviews I really like, I often come up with my own answers to the questions, or put in my own name in place of the actual interview-ee. Oftentimes, when I'm on a run and not in the zone and want to quit, I play Q and A with myself. When I was little and couldn't fall asleep, I would have an interview session with myself. It's very relaxing.
To clarify, I'm not like, making up a fake life and interviewing myself about the new hit movie I'm in; I always find interviews that delve into celebrities' mundane lives the most interesting, and so I often ask myself questions such as, "What is in your refrigerator?", "I hear you like cats; tell us about your cat", "What is your favorite holiday tradition?", etc. So I'm not that weird, right?! At least I'm not coming up with answers to things like, "Who was a bigger influence on this album, Tupac or Biggy?"!
I find that this interview process is both a) entertaining and b) semi-therapeutic. Perhaps I can de-ego the process and claim that it is exactly what St. Ignatius called for when he prescribed a daily "examination of conscious". Or something. I wholeheartedly recommend incorporating interviews into your weekly routine.
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