04 May 2009

Don't Stand So Close to Me...

The immortal words of Sting turn out to be practical advice for both the innapropriate teacher-student love affair and the infected.

I'm sick with lord knows what (hopefully not l'influenza suina). I had an out and out sick day, which I haven't done since I had bronchitis my sophomore year.

Things I did:

I didn't set my alarm and slept until 9:30 am.
I felt really awful.
I made two necessary emails.
I went back to bed.
I ate a piece of buttered toast and drank weak tea.
I watched daytime TV (Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee--she's no Ina Gartner, but it was either that or Guiding Light).
I took Benedryl and proceeded to pass out for two hours.
I woke up in a daze, still tranq-ed out on Benedryl, and watched My Fair Lady, which, miracle of miracles, was showing on TMC.
I turned off my phone.
I ate peanut butter and banana toast.
I pretended to do homework.
I took a shower.

I feel a little better, but I'm still very congested and coughing. I have 5 hours of class tomorrow, and I can't miss them, so it's back to the salt mines tomorrow. But it was nice to escape back to elementary school for the day.

Tonight will consist of me trying to prep for my midterm, eating soup, and taking Benedryl at 9pm so I can pass out and get a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you better?

Is Lauren in a plastic bubble yet?

Try coughing on her. Just a little. Could be fun.