16 February 2010

Happy Bday, Prezzies!

Printable coloring page I found on the Crayola website

Dear Presidents Washington & Lincoln,

Thank you for being born and cultivating extra-special qualities so that you'd one day become Leaders of the Free World and whatnot, because without you two lovely gents, my weekend wouldn't have been quite as fun.

Family members descend upon Portland for Grandpa's birthday
Lasagna and red wine at aunt and uncle's abode

All day cousin madness includes breakfast, present shopping for grandpa, Olympics watching, spaghetti sauce making, drinking
Spaghetti dinner
Yahtzee. I totally pwn one of my aunts
Cousin teaches me how to use a Kindle. I decide that if the device wasn't totally massacring my intended career field, I would like to buy one
Cake, ice cream, presents

Really lazy morning
Parents give me Valentine's Day cards, some candy, and heart-printed boxers
K and E and I have a massive Valentine's Day lady-day: mimosas, chick flicks, mini-quiches, dark chocolate M&Ms, popcorn, tortilla chips and guac, etc. We laze around E's apt. in mimosa-induced sleepiness all afternoon
K & I speaker-phone call M in NYC to hear about her scandalous love life. Act like 13 year olds on a three way call
Left-overs dinner with grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins
Wii sports tournament
OLYMPICS MADNESS. I fall in love with this male ice skater

Brunch at my fave place EVER with the entire family because it's my grandpa's actual bday
AT&T store to look at iPhones because my 2 year contract is up
Eat Valentine's Day candy
Play outside because it's BEAUTIFUL WEATHER
Give puppies a bath
Watch Westminster Dog Show

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