Lots of fun stuff going on!
Last week Christmas movie night at Emily's with Kels and Cara (and hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps). "Eight is a lot of legs, David" and "I hate Uncle Jamie".
Another Christmas movie day--a FULL DAY--with aunt and girl-cousins. We watched the shit out of White Christmas and Holiday Inn. And Nat. Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Family Christmas party with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins
(minus one, who is training back east for the Marines and is trying to fight the snowstorm to make it back to Oregon before shipping out--please, please, please melt, east coast snow). Always the highlight of the holiday season, as it involves a group of ten 20-somethings singing Christmas songs, doing White Elephant exchanges, getting dirt on our parents from slightly tipsy aunts, and trying to sneak booze to younger cousins.
Peacock Lane, a street with 100% participation in Christmas light decorating (super intense, you have to sign a contract when you move in that you'll go all out every year), with Emily, Kels, and Cara. Photos: