01 November 2008

Hello, World!

I've decided to jump on the blog-wagon! I'm exposing the world to Lara's brain...even for the internet, it's pretty shocking.

If you're reading this, I assume you're a member of Team Lara. But here are some fun facts even my most vocal fans may not know about me...

Age: 21

Hometown: Portland, OR and Seaview, WA

Number of first cousins: eleven.

First crush: Leonardo DiCaprio

Strangest crush: Tom Selleck. But only a fully mustachioed Tom Selleck.
Best Halloween costume: big bird, when I was 4.

I hope I am reincarnated as: Heidi Klum.

Secret obsession: people watching.

Guilty pleasure: abbreviating/using text-language. Watching “Gossip Girl”.

My irrational fears are: birds and getting appendicitis.

Essential wardrobe item: pearls and headbands.

Favorite fruit: raspberries

Favorite vegetable: cucumbers

Favorite concert experience: Spice Girls, fifth grade. No contest.

Favorite muppet: it’s a toss up between Count Von Count and Grover.

Favorite drink: Pimms Cup.

Favorite childhood toy: my American Girl Doll, Samantha Parkington.

Favorite expression: cool beans or bomb dot com. I can’t choose.

Favorite holiday: non-religious: the Fourth of July, because it’s the only warm weather holiday. Religious: Easter, because we have two garbage cans full of champagne bottles after Mass.

Least favorite song: “Cotton Eye Joe”:
I’m currently reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in Italian.

Thanks for spending your procrastination time reading my blog

Later gators!

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