22 December 2008

The Blizzard: Day 8

8 DAYS! I've survived over one foot of snow, my parents' constant Weather Channel updates, freezing rain, excruciating boredom, driving, watching all 5 Harry Potters, Christmas shopping at the mall with half the stores closed, bad TV, not being able to see any friends who live outside of the neighborhood, and NOT HAVING A CHRISTMAS TREE. You heard right team players, NO CHRISTMAS TREE. It's quite sad. We have two Charlie Brown trees--they are the miniature Christmas trees we bought last year and failed to plant (I guess laziness paid off for my family)--but we don't have a REAL Christmas tree.

Yesterday the father-unit and I went on a trek to find a Christmas tree. We walked through a foot of ice-covered snow (my climber father said it was "avalanche snow", which certainly boosted my morale), but did not get a tree. There were a few tree places open, but we forgot to bring a sled to drag one home with. Trees, it turns out, are very heavy when iced over. It was a blow to the Christmas spirit, let me tell you. It looks like it might start to thaw out on Tuesday, so perhaps we will take the opporunity to escape the neighborhood and find a tree.


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