03 April 2009


Rarely do I experience spontaneous, carefree, warm spring days in Seattle. But today I did. I got up at 8, had a leisurely breakfast, went to Copymart to buy course packets, worked for a few hours, and then napped for the first time in weeks. When I fell asleep it was sunny but not that warm, but upon waking from my slumbers it was at least 60 deg. and gorgeous! So I pulled on a hoodie and walked to Twice Told to browse and play with cats. Going to bookstores is one of my favorite past times, but I hardly ever do it in Seattle. I had no plan to go to bookstoring when I woke up this morning; the plan just unfolded and who am I to say no to such an enjoyable outing?! After Twice Told I walked along Broadway and had fro-yo at CrazyBerry, and then I stopped in at QFC to buy yellow peppers, toilet paper, salmon, toothpaste, pasta, English muffins, and, on a whim, red tulips! Buying flowers is another thing I always want to do, but never actually do. At QFC I ran into Garrett, and then on my way home I saw everyone and their mother walking through campus. Some Bro-Freshmen skateboarding on Upper Mall were dressed in Pooh and Tigger Halloween costumes and made my stroll home more enjoyable (and more surreal). Then I made a delicious dinner, watched TV, and took a shower--and it was still light and sunny outside!! Days like today are why I love Seattle and college.

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