17 July 2009

It Goes There

If you are an avid fan of Team Lara, you know that the Canadian teen series Degrassi rocks my world. It is nothing short of epic in its scope. Cancer, auto-thefts, coming-outs, teen pregnancies, first jobs, a teen stripper, drugs, jail/juvie, STDs, parent-teacher hookups, nerdy-to-slutty makeovers, and basically everything and anything you could ever imagine. BFF "L" and I watch it whenever we are at our parents', as neither of us have the Noggin channel in Seattle/NYC. We've watched it since middle school, and so it should be unsurprising to all you readers that I have a years-long crush on one of the characters, "Jimmy". Jimmy used to be a basketball star, but then a crazy classmate paralyzed him during a shooting spree, so Jimmy learned how to use a wheelchair, dealt with impotence, started a clothing line, went to college, and began rapping. His rapping does not remain in the realm of fiction, however. In the real world he is known as "Drake" (as far as rap names go, it's weak-sauce, but considering his birth-name is Aubrey Graham, it's a vast improvement). And although Degrassi claims to "Go There", it has never gone to the dirty territories into which Drake has ventured. Take a look:

Damn. Degrassi fans, I hope you're not too shocked.

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