15 October 2009

Bringing it, Portland-Style

Last night I met Emily and Kelsey for happy hour at a bar called The Shanghai Tunnel, and luckilly it didn't go too overboard with its nod to Portland's illustrious past. Yes, you went down a narrow, dark staircase to get to the main bar, and yes there was red lighting and some Chinese dragons painted on a wall, but they also made my Greyhounds by squeezing a real grapefruit into the vodka, and they only charged $3. Excellent!

Next, Kells, because we wanted food. You can't really go wrong with Kells, even though it's Mecca for the fratty-bro-type (along with old people and high schoolers with fakes). Emily, Kelsey, and I commented on how Bros are far more common (and perhaps acceptable) in Portland, and most of our non-Seattle friends are not too familiar with the concept of "The Bro". We agreed that when we try to describe what a Bro is to said friends, we just end up insulting/confusing them a little. "But that's what all my guy friends are like", seems to be a common response to our explanation of "The Bro". In addition to our sharing our anthropological notes, we enjoyed hamburgers and drinks.

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