26 October 2009

Mmm Your Horchata's So Hot and Steamy

Dear Ezra,

I'm just going to come right out and say it: I love you. It's very rare to find a man who rocks flannel and argyle AND regularly showers, as well as knows the finer points of English grammar ("Oxford Comma"). You have endeared yourself to me.

I know your music isn't exactly cutting-edge. I'm sorry, but you're basically the 2000s' Paul Simon. But you're hot, and Paul is not. And your music is just so happy and vaguely preppy that I can't not love it.

So, if you're interested in a relationship with a Northwestern-er who is a fellow Lit major, please let me know. While you're getting back to me, I'll be listening to the singles from your forthcoming album, Contra.


PS. Here is an idea for future artistic direction: do one of your music videos shirtless. It'd be really...avant-garde.

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