22 June 2009

L'estate e` bene

Summer is good.

On Saturday I tooled around and then went to the garage sale of my lovely lady friends, K, M, and C. They wanted to get rid of shiz and make some extra moolah, especially K, as she is going to Italy next week. It was sunny and we sat around on their front porch all day, sold a few items, and then rewarded our hard work by going out to the suburbs for a viewing of The Hangover (A-/B+), dinner at Chang's Mongolian Grill, and Target shopping. The Target was the same layout as the one by my parents' house. It's like comfort food, but minus the calories!

On Sunday I layed around the house until 2, then went to Presse with my gay husband T, where we ate too much and looked at all the beautiful couples who populate that restaurant. Seriously, do you ever see unattractive people in there? Never.

All in all, an excellent weekend. I just applied to be a volunteer at Hugo House, so cross your fingers for Team Lara!

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