04 June 2009

Sweaty Seattle

There are all these nice quotes about summer like "In summer, the song sings itself" and "The summer night is like a perfection of thought" and "Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language". But can we just cut the bullshiz William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, and Henry James?! Because, let's be honest, summer is just fucking sweaty. I'm sitting in my Murphy after a lengthy happy hour with the italian class crew, reading the NYT online, and sweating without exerting any energy. Every few minutes I have to wipe the sweat from my upper lip. It's 87 deg. outside according to weather.com, and at least 10 deg. hotter in my Murphy, and I don't know how I am going to survive summer in the city. I like warm weather as much as the next person (I willingly traveled in Rome in August, for God's sake), but this week has been brutal. The combo of final projects, little sleep, and sweat has taken its toll on this Northwestern child. Bring back the temperate climate, please, weather gods!

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